The authors who make Point of Impact shine!

Robert James (R. J.) Calder grew up enjoying the escapist fiction of yesteryear. As he aged, he watched the gradual demise of men’s action adventure novels much like the steady demise of the buffalo in the American West. The lurid, pulpy adventures drew him in as a young man and allowed him to escape from the mundane. He is excited to create the same sense of cheap thrills in his writing as he had enjoyed in the musty, yellowed paperbacks from a bygone era.

He also likes cheese and rye whiskey. This is irrelevant to his writing interests.

Clint Reno was born in a Panamanian brothel. It’s not as bad as it sounds. His mother was a missionary. She was counseling the fallen ladies to take computer classes as a path to Jesus when her water broke.

Clint’s childhood was itinerant but never lonely. You’re never alone so long as you have a good book to read. He hopes with all his heart that you’ll enjoy reading his.